"Do you see this? Trees that pierce the clouds. Ancient temples that hang from its canopy. A whole city, suspended through this forest. Blessed, never to touch the earth. This is the start of our adventure."
~Lamer Valstor: Recent Graduate from Tewkasi Majik College~
Aalam's first book has all of the information you need to play the game. It contains the Game Mechanics, Character Creation, Starter Weapons, Terrain layout, etc. The first book also gives several examples of how to roleplay your Characters and how to be a Storyteller so you can facilitate a group and run a campaign. This book is the start of your and your friend's boundless adventure into the world of Aalam.
The first book of Aalam is a powerful tool for Character Creation, making the process straightforward and comprehensive. With this, you can shape the essential body of your character, determining attributes like Toughness, Acrobatics, Knowledge, and Sense with a few dice rolls and placements. These attributes will then influence your character's Hit Points, Mana, Defense, Movement, and Speed. Once you have these, you can select your Starter Weapon and Abilities. The book sets the stage for your adventure, allowing you to choose your race in Aalam Book Two and begin your journey.
Thank you for your support and patience. Book one was the most challenging book to write. Creating the game mechanics was easy, explaining them is another ball game. Thanks to an excellent technical writer, Ryan O'Connor, and my editor, GoodPointJoe, I was able to present to you the gorgeous first book of Aalam. A lot of artists went in to help create this masterpiece, and I want to shout out the artists David Sanjuan https://www.artstation.com/dsanen, Whiskey Robinson https://www.artstation.com/whiskey_robinson, William Hallett https://www.artstation.com/wil_hallett_art, and Spencer Instagram @spencil_studios. They helped me bring my world to life, and I will be forever grateful for their work. I'm still writing my fourth book, the campaigns, and damn, am I excited! I love running campaigns and creating stories, so this is my little fun house! Thank you again for being here, reading this, and supporting my efforts. I love you like an Autumn breeze.
Take Care
Randall Harris