"The ground underneath my feet feels different. It's not hard or soft. It feels comfortable, as if I could run all day without getting tired. This stride must be what momentum feels like."
~Nathaniel Del'treve: Trainee Scout of the 24th Regiment~
Aalam's third book contains information about the game's abilities. Abilities are action moves or majik spells the player can perform within the world. The player can use a maximum of six abilities. The player can swap out any learned ability during downtime, before and after a battle. Once the fighting starts, their abilities are locked and can not be changed. Each ability is tied to a specific weapon; the player must wield that weapon and gain experience points to unlock the weapon's abilities. When the player learns every ability in the weapon, they unlock Weapon Mastery and can learn special abilities from it. Once a player learns an ability, they will have it forever. Some abilities require a specific weapon; for example, Bolt Blast requires the player to have a crossbow equipped. So, the player should read the information about the abilities they have learned. The player can use most of the abilities with whatever weapon they have equipped.
The player can also change their weapons during downtime, before and after a battle. This is called Weapon Swapping, and it is beneficial for the player because it allows them to learn multiple abilities from multiple weapons. But when the player changes weapons, they will suffer a negative two to hit their target for three battles because they are unfamiliar with their new weapon. Allowing players to change their weapons and abilities gives them the power to customize their characters fully. The players are not stuck playing standard roles such as Tank, Healer, or Damage Dealers; if they were in those roles, they are free to change or modify them with little to no hassle. This mechanic encourages the player to learn as many abilities as possible, potentially learning all 154 abilities in the game. Some abilities can be combined to create more potent abilities called Fusion Abilities.
Fusion Abilities (FA) occur when the player combines two abilities they have learned to create a more substantial ability. Once players learn a Fusion Ability, they will have it for life. Players can only combine specific abilities, so they should read the FA information before deciding to learn it. The players must have the abilities equipped to combine them. When the player uses an FA, both abilities in the action are on cooldown. The more abilities the player learns, the more FAs they can create, but they can only use three at a time during battles. Fusion Abilities are incredible tools that can give the player personal goals to strive for while also being a valuable asset to the team. The more FA abilities the player learns, the better they can assist the other players during battles. However, there are other ways in which the players can assist each other in combat. They can cast an ability together to create an outstanding power called a Synergy Action.
Synergy Actions (SA) are team attacks the players can perform during combat. They can either deal incredible damage or cast a fantastic buff to help the rest of the party. To perform an SA, some conditions and requirements must be met. Some SA requires the players to be in a particular position, have a specific weapon equipped, or have a certain amount of mana. To execute an SA, the first player readies the ability required to perform the Synergy Action. On the second player's turn, the player casts the second ability needed for the Synergy Action. Both players roll (if necessary) for their ability, and if their attack succeeds, the SA hits! After the SA is used, both player's abilities are on cooldown. Synergy Actions are a fun tool that can completely change the course of a battle. They help players communicate with each other and work together to create a solid and dynamic party.
Thank you, everyone, for being so patient! This summer has been nonstop! All Gas. No Breaks. But I am making strides, and with the completion of the third book, the core of Aalam is complete. I now have everything you need to play the game fully! Now comes the fun part! Demos, manufacturers, and cons! Oh My! Thanks, my buddy Ryan O'Conner, for breathing life into me at my lowest! He is good at revitalizing my spirit when I need it. I need people to Demo! If you are interested in playing Aalam, please shoot me an email. I can run a demo over Roll20 or Discord! Hell, I'll make a personal house call to get people to play! Once again. Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting Backpack Universe Games! I love you like the morning sun!
Take Care
Randall Harris
Keep going!