"I've seen the things you're into, and it is brutal, mate! You have got the be the craziest Kravin I've ever met! I mean, jumping from the rafters, kicking that guy in the spine, taking his weapon, and beating his goons with it! That is some professional mercenary stuff right there! Do you train? You must Train A LOT! What's your regiment? What do you mean, 'People don't talk this much during a fight'? We're winning, right? It's all good! So do you mostly work on legs or arms?"
~Travis Lamir- Member of the Adventures Guild~
If the Elven community were a family, the Bosseur would be the youngest child. Not for them being young, mind you, they are just as old as the Magi, but because they are not Magi. As a result, they are seen as inexperienced and immature by the Magi and the Elders of the Nine. This could be frustrating, but it does have its benefits. They have more autonomy and freedom than the Magi. They have more control over their lives and can express themselves more freely. They are free to explore new places and build towns, all under the protection of the EoN, without constantly pledging loyalty. This makes the Bosseur pretty set as a people, if not for their one little secret...
Thank You again for subscribing! Things are starting to heat up! I just finished the second book and it looks fantastic! I am talking to Delano Game Manufacturing to get some numbers on how much it will cost to build a unit. If you haven't participated in the poll on Facebook please do so and let your voice be heard. Thank you again for all your support and for EVERYTHING!
Love you. Later. Bye!
Randall Harris