"What do we do when we see an obstacle? We push through. What do we do when we see an obstruction? We push through. What do we do when we encounter adversity? We push through, my son. Those who impede our path of enlightenment are merely roadblocks, and we must push through. Always Forward. Never Back."
~Allsa Jaheam, Advisor to the War Chief~
The Krevin people have a dark and violent history in Aalam. Once enslaved by the three kingdoms, they struggled for liberation, eventually gaining their freedom and becoming an integral part of trade in the region. They created efficient routes between kingdoms to rescue their people. When the Great Cataclysm struck, they were the only ones who knew how to deliver essential supplies to the devastated kingdoms. This unexpected advantage led them to be recognized by the other kingdoms as a legitimate sovereignty. Their first demand was to abolish slavery throughout Aalam, and through forty years of discussions, economic planning, and strong-arm tactics, it was officially eradicated throughout the realm.
It's hard for me to pick a favorite because they're all my babies, but the Krevin are easily my top three. I based their aesthetics on a mixture of three African tribes: Himba tribe, Maasai tribe, and Ndebele tribe. These three tribes all represent the tenacity, the spiritual, and the beauty of the Krevin. A huge shout-out to the artist who created this masterpiece, William Hallett. He is an amazing artist, and I am so so so very lucky to have found him. Here is a link to his site; please check out his work. https://www.artstation.com/wil_hallett_art
Thank you again for subscribing and reading! This month has been crazy, but we pushed through! I can not thank you enough for sticking with me on this journey! I just finished the revised first book, and it should be coming in the mail on the 15th. Then its Demo-O'clock! I can't wait to play this game!!!! Well, everyone, stay safe, drink water, and be kind; we are all going through it. I love you like the Summers End. Stay cool.
Take Care!
Randall Harris